Friday 19 March 2010

Constuction of Production - Changes we made from the storyboard/initial idea

We made few adjustments from the storyboard/initial idea, we wanted our film to last the full 2 minutes. Adding these adjustments will make sure our film lasts 2 minutes.

Extra Parts Added
You can see the girl (Sara) running in her back garden and climbing over the fence.
When the girl (Sara) gets in the car, the car will drive off, you will hear gunshots and will see her getting dragged out.

Besides that, every part of the storyboard is the same, we just added extra scenes. I wanted to add these scenes, as it will engage the audience more. It will raise suspense and make them wander why she is running. It will keep them on the 'edge of their seats,' when they find out she has been killed, and will have them watching into the end - if it was a long featured film.

My group and I decided that we are going to add a lot of dissolves and fade in, as we believe these transitions will make the film flow smoothly. We want different suspenseful music used throughout as it will excite the audience, and we are going to include non-diegetic sounds. We have also decided to use medium shots, point of view shots, over the shoulder shots and panning shots.

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